Animal Rights Etc. From April 5, 2021 and Earlier Dates

Vegan Information

Mars is owned by billionaires who charge very high prices for Snickers and
other candy bars which contain eggs, milk, sugar etc.

  1. Besides Mars’ use of small cages for chickens whose eggs they steal
  2. There is no excuse for Mars to continue using animal milk instead of almond, oat, coconut or other milk. There are many vegan substitutes for eggs.
  3. There is no reason Mars needs animal research. They still do some.*
    A UN study found that worldwide men commit 96% of murders.
    In my belief shared by many Buddhists, Hindus, Jains,
    mystical Christians, Jews, Sufis etc. we all get out alive.
    Our bodies like old clothes wear out and we either
    take on a new body or similar consciousness or
    merge with God as a river merges with the sea.

Judge Irma Asberry dismissed the charges of animal cruelty brought by ALDF against the Van Dam dairy in San Jacinto CA. Perhaps if Irma Asberry had been treated the way cows are heropinion would have changed.
Top 11 vegan documentaries (Added Seaspiracy if it was not already on the list)
Geoff Sobey #Pigoneer
Favorite Lines: Geoff Sobey:
Rain, rain beautiful rain. Nectar of the Gods to fill our tank
91 pigs froze to death at Smithfield pig murder plant in Nebraska…
Which is worse? freezing to death or subsequently being stabbed to death?
Dr Kary Mullis, Nobel winning inventor of the PCR test,
said it was wrong to use it to test for covid19 since it
gives so many false positives… asked Fauci to debate him.. Fauci declined

1st act of violence toward another country by Biden
administration… a bombing of the Iran-Syria border
19 Australian ecosystems threatened… animal agriculture has destroyed trees, caused fires

2 headed monkeys and dogs were created by Robert White at Case Western Reserve in Ohio
Aldi’s… bag of lemons 54% of a local Ohio chain store.. with much more vegan food variety and many more organic options
Alpaca wool process means sheep suffering
bull climbs into stands at bullfight (won’t show here the gruesome images of bulls goring matadors in the buttocks)
bull dying in agony… like gladiator contests in ancient Rome, bullfights and rodeos are public glorifications of criminal violence
Bullfighting, a struggling industry, threatened by lockdown
Cats more nonviolence: Eating grain-free food led to cats depositing 33% fewer mouse + bird corpses on doorsteps, while just 5 to 10 minutes of play with toy mouse cut killing 25%.

chickens, many, are babies when slaughtered
China endangered elephants
China primate research
Colombia in 2008: bullfight stands collapsed injuring many video
Covid and meat
a. Fox news reports covid found on meat and fish
weeks later
c. Seeding of covid outbreaks from contaminated
frozen and fresh food
d. China finds covid on Brazilian, Colombian, New Zealand meat, pig heads, seafood
cows live 20 years in nonviolent environments.. but
the average US cow is murdered at 4 to 5 years
cow milking machines:
Milking machines can be very painful. The cow’s teats can be blood encrusted from milking machine injuries. Mucus from the injuries can drop into the milk. img
cow murder chart
a murder chart of drawing and quartering and subdividing..
as bad as any by Elizabeth the 1st, Anglican and Mary the 1st in their torture of each other’s followers img: pinterest
Dogs killed for meat in Cambodia: 61 dogs destined for murder in the dogmeat trade
food yield
a. global farmland use could DROP 75% if humans STOP eating meat + dairy.
b. Even those who objectify sweet mammals as food machines know that a cow is a protein factory in reverse, taking 21 lbs of food to make 1 lb of dead flesh.
Forestry England granted 34 foxhunting permits.
Oscar Wilde: (foxhunting:) the unspeakable in pursuit
of the inedible
foxhounds as well as foxes are victims of suffering caused by humans seeking a cheap thrill
Fruitarian food yield:
Dr Faust (yes that’s his name) when employed at USDA Fruit Labs reported centenarian apple trees (150 to 180 per acre) dropping
2 tons each (4000 lbs) of apples… compare that 600,000 to 720,000 lbs per acre to
an acre of ground with cattle yielding 100 to 1000 lbs of flesh. Centenarian apple trees yield at least 600 times more food per acre
and as high as 7200 times more per acre than an acre of ground in the most fertile part of Texas.
lab grown meats will still be fiberless, contain uric acid or trioxypurine and are not healthy tho they are not saturated
with negative karmic returns
Outreach: In New Jersey, bus signs saying milk stolen
from calf babies
plantbased news on youtube
primate shortages have been created by inability of CDC,Emory, NIH, Harvard, Yale, Stanford etc to use
nonanimal alternatives which are kinder, safer, more accurate, cheaper
Not just sacred cows and calves but sacred pigs and piglets, sacred sheep and lambs, sacred chickens and turkeys and fishes, sacred… all sentient beings.
Safari Club Intl cancels annual convention
TikTok: petition.. stop promoting violence to animals
trader joe’s new vegan options
Trafficking in elephants, rhinos and other wildlife
USDA, DOI tree destruction for lumber cos. a factor
in climate extremes, habitat destruction, animal killing
A. Should the USPS be in charge of the internet because it involves electronic mail? B. In some communities mail in a smaller town meant locally is not removed and delivered
but sent to a larger city for sorting and then sent back,
delaying the mail and creating extra expense
USPS DeJoy’s elimination of overtime & slowdown of mail have harmed animals being liveshipped who wait on loading docks. They have no food nor water, are in flimsy cardboard boxes as chicks, are easily crushed, & can bake or freeze. Builtin violation of humane law in USPS rule d
USPS does not provide water, food, or timely delivery of live animals shipped. See rule d in link below

“He who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with men. We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals” – Emmanuel Kant
Zebra murdered by young barbaric woman hunter
