Brief Poems Volume 3 being revised

-Saiom Shriver-

She was of the opinion that when she wrote something down on her ‘to do’ list it was finished.


If we were sunlike, we would at all times and to every being smile


The sound of Tibetan cymbals, gongs, and bells send her into trance,  into realms of the cosmic dance.


To us the sea ever waves as toward us roll her waves.


Some seeds are 2-winged with tiny ties to trees, ribbons which can’t til untied from the parent, open the gift, the seed, that would be more treed


Ancient Caesars themselves deified killing those who them defied


Only the desireless, only the lightest carry away the spiritual wealth of India.


The members of Lambda Pi more and more avoid lamb with their pie.


Catch a fire in the sky with water. Catch father sun in lake daughters Water is not the foe of fire. Together rainbows they do sire.


God said to the river “End ever your endeavors. God will flow you to the sea.” 10


Much of the bridge disappears in fog.. as if it is a bridge to nowhere… as some atheists,  confronted by the mist of the future, reject life after death. When the fog of unknowing clears, the other side appears.


The murdered mammals of fast food chains: No vitamin C in their carrion cadavers corpses carcass cruelty


The master nature photographer is not lilylivered because he spends time photographing the lilyliveried.


Be that as it may…. still will come… the bees in May


In monasteries offending their founder Franciscan friars send to remorseless fire innocents labeled fryers


On soundless snowfall shines stars’ silent light The wind is stilled in the quiet night.


Is it against the teachings of Jesus …the cruel Amish shunning. Like Jesus the everloving sun keeps on universally sunning


Out of brown mud and blue space willow trees weave the visible grace of limehued lace.


When a whippoorwill alights in a willow does he become a whippoorwillow?


Always giving amnesty, acquittal, absolution is Abba, the All Merciful Absolute  20


In Nepal, 90 feet high are some bushes of rhododendron. How strong must be their delving roots, their unheralded tendons.


We have nothing to offer you, say the cows of their gravy, but our blood sweat and tears.


Rainforest river always rivering, refilled no matter how much it gives away pouring itself into the bay.


Giving souls are candles.They other candles ignite, while keeping entire their own light.


Gemini is of the mind, ever ramifying, Sagittarius akin to the focused tree trunk


His tide pool eyes filled with what Spirit overspilled


As fearsome as the bite of a snapdragon is the anger of a saint.


Ever nonviolent is ultraviolet. Its waves purple the grapes and paint the violets.


Clouds by contrast make sunbeams, those giving visitors from a distant star, more visible, as darkness proves the sacredness of light


The sun does not resist the evil of the night. He merely shines and fills entire the skybowl with his light. 30


Around peacemakers angels revolve, giving aid and guidance to their resolve.


We needn’t bring up the stones of past karma. We are rivers, meant to flow over them to the sea.


After the land sleeps, rivers still catch the light holding onto the sun longer in the receding twilight


Neither love nor lust can be compelled.


May the Statue of Liberty, Mercy, always conquer the statue of scales, justice. Fairness in the courts is illusory. while God is Love.


Only God can connect the dots of the stars in the sky


Forgive me animals for my unconsciousness regarding your suffering in the first quarter century of my life.


Stealing the milk of cows from baby calves made human children fat and made the baby cows lean before their murder


God’s blueprints become eve’s purpleprints.


Moonlit sea’s silver slivers wavekissed, quietly quiver   40


Baby cows baptized and baked in their own blood are knifed or beaten into veal


Britannia used to rule the waves. India the quiet deeps.


Virgo makes analytical pieces of the sea’s pisces peace


Trailing pink ribbons comes the dawn present. Her rising bands will frame the coming of  Sun’s Presence.


Of each wave’s goal in every harbor Of each leaf’s place in any arbor God is theFirst and Final Arbiter


Every chop or steak is a grave mistake causing terror and disease, heart attacks and heartbreak


Krishna left his conch behind that its inner Om seasound call the ready to meditation


The raingrace of clouds has in jade moss clad the Cinderella clay clod


On the shores of the Seychelles after the receding tide upswell he wrote a marriage proposal with bright seashells


The wisp of a thought and then the spoken whisper Next come angels’ aid in materializing the wish  50


Fish, moving shadows in the waving shallows Those who harm them not do their Creator hallow


To the cherry blossom has befallen the gift of a traveling bee’s pollen


Camels after lifetimes of drudgery and forced labor… are murdered for meat. That is most camels’ lot. The slaughterhouse auction at the camel lot is never for these mammals a Camelot

A bridal veil of light falls on the cataract of ice. Soon in the sun it will marry water


Rivers more than earth reflect God’s light. Moving waters better catch moonrays in midflight.


Rain plays music around the belltower and running down quickens the blue bellfowers


The tulip, oak and cherry tree The birch, maple and pine all in a sharing circle, their roots intertwine


One cannot tell the Wind to be disciplined He blows only when and where God directs.


The fruit need not ask for dew from the roots nor does a child of any age need to ask for aid from a loving parent.


Having learned her lessons, Aphrodite advises the unmarried to

Keep on their nighties. 60


A heavy downpour was splattering Boys in fields pumpkins shattering their many seeds widely scattering Next year, pumpkins everywhere from spirit mattering


The wind rustles dead leaves as it and the living tree say hello. So do those who’ve their bodies shed try to tell us their souls aren’t dead.


As rain gently from eaves drops and quietly veil of purple eve drops he no longer on his faithful wife eavesdrops


Each cloudgift of rain droplet sparked into a sweet drupelet


At 5am slaughterhouse cue, mammals by those with shocking rods are poked into queues. Of impending murder, shrieks give them many clues.


Of each wave in every harbor  Of each leaf placement in any arbor God is the First and Final Arbiter


N and M make verbs from nouns as in enjoy and in embark. Love too moves verbs from frozen nouns giving the rooted wings


Those opposing murder by bombs in illegal wars or murder by judges with racist needles are voting Libertarian, Green, Socialist or other 3rd party


Infinite magic wands of the sun in touching bring miracles to everyone


Cloud wisps don’t even whisper as beneath them in the trees the wind whistles


The sign of the restaurant serving dead animals was missing the g in angus, highlighting the colon bacteria ecoli in all cadavers of cow, pig, sheep, chicken, turkey, fish or shellfish.


Does Love see only Love? Does the Sun see only Light?   Do only sinners see sin in others?   Nonexistent is the night.


The sea from inside and out calls. The conch climbs down from a rack in a commercial seaside shack and back to the ocean he crawls (C Marshall witnessed)


Walking on a Hawaiian mountain we came across a feast of wild avocados laid at our feet by a giving tree


Fruitarians are the only humans who don’t eat murdered or stolen food from animals birds fishes or plants.


If we are all One, is eating mammals birds and fishes autophagous?


Does NPR with its Science Friday think animals have no more rights than plauts?  (The show promotes animal torture in labs).


Some violence incite   Some transmit insight   Some our minds excite. Some our souls ignite.


The more innocent or nonviolent people put in jail by prison privateers, prison pirateers,   the more money they make on prisoners and on their bail     81



Why are the world’s bees endangered?  sellers of apicides…some also sell avicides


The rightwing  judge loves the 10 Commandments which include Thou Shalt Not Kill, except when it comes to black men whom innocent or not he sends to the death chamber.


The enslaved black horse escaped first at night. The enslaved white horse waited til snow obscured his white.


A policeman’s warning whistle can’t stop a drone missile. The courageous oppose war and execution on talk shows and in epistles.


Denmark murdered billions of pigs. It’s not the coast of Wales but in Denmark’s Faroe Islands that occur savage slaughter of 250 whales


As a flower attracts a bee and squirrels come to pecan trees as the river drawn by sea  does Love magnetize to Thee


The advent of destiny  the sacred time appointed   each will find him or herself   with all love and power   by God anointed


In the pepper bell tower  hang silent little chimes    not ringing on the hour but bursting at preordained time


Lavender aqua pink & gold, sunset over the Caribbean, reminding of the radiant colors of ornate sleeves Korean (to K Hichull family)  90

*Sunset fire is mirrored in the lake but lakewaters never quench the flames.